About Liz Lane
This isn't just a campaign to win a seat. This is a campaign of service to the residents of Hoover. This is a campaign to start conversations and amplify conversations that need more ears. This is a campaign not for control, but for care.
My name is Liz Lane. I'm a mom of two elementary school girls, a small business owner, and a full- time artist. I feel called to run for Hoover City Council because I want creativity to have a seat at the table. I grew up in the arts, with my mother, Lorrie Lane, a full time artist and gallery owner. I have worked in the arts for over 10ten years and know the needs of the art community well. There is no reason the great city of Hoover can not have a visual and performing arts center. We know how beneficial investments in the Hoover Met have been. Investments in the arts will benefit Hoover financially and add to our residents’ quality of life.
I want more women to have a seat at the table. The last time a woman was elected to Hoover City Council was 2012, absent from the current appointment. Women are the backbone of this community: - We are teachers, doctors, first responders, PTO, volunteers, moms, grandmas, and aunts. We need a louder voice.
I want small businesses to have a seat at the table. Small businesses give a city its heart. Showcasing Hoover’s small businesses would be my greatest honor. I also want to help increase the number of women and minorities represented in our business community.
I want sustainability and conservation to have a seat at the table to protect our city's great legacy. I grew up in Alabama, spending much of my childhood deep in the woods, my feet calloused from trampling over prickles and sticks and twigs barefoot. I hope my children can enjoy the full beauty of this state the same way I did.
I want families to have a seat at the table. I went to Alabama public schools and struggled through my education with dyslexia. But with much support from my parents and surrounding educators, I went on to graduate from the University of Alabama in 2011. I want all Hoover students to reach their full potential by receiving the right tools for their specific needs. That includes increased screenings and making sure all our kids are taken care off- fed, clothed, encouraged and loved. According to Hoover's own website, we are an "economic hub for central Alabama." We can afford to take care of our own.